Martin Hähnel - Philosophie und Ethik

Lebenslauf / CV

April 2024: Completion of the habilitation process at the University of Bremen with the topic “Applied Naturalism? Foundations, Problems, and Perspectives of Neo-Aristotelian Bioethics” and Venia Legendi for Philosophy (Reviewer: Christoph Halbig [University of Zurich], Anselm Winfried Müller [University of Chicago], Dagmar Borchers [University of Bremen]).

Since February 2024: Research Associate in the digiBRAVE project at the Institute for Ethics and History of Health in Society at the University of Augsburg (in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich).

April 2022: Founding of the international research group “Russia and the New War”, Link:

Since May 2022: Member of the Bremen project team PROKIP (Bringing and Evaluating AI Applications into Nursing Practice [BMBF]).

Since December 2021: Coordinator of the BMBF joint project “Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” (VUKIM) and head of the bioethical subproject, Link:

Since January 2021: Editorial Director of Karl Alber Publishing House (taken over by Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co. KG, Baden-Baden as of January 1, 2022).

January 2020 to December 2020: Editor for Philosophy at Karl Alber Publishing House in Freiburg i. Br.

May 2016 to May 2019: Research Associate in the BMBF project “The Manipulable Embryo. Implications of the Biotechnological Influenceability of Species Membership and Developmental Potential in Embryos for the Species and Potentiality Argument - A Normative Analysis” (Acronym: MANIPS), Link:

October 2015 to October 2019: Ethical Advisor for the EU-funded PhD program ALKATRAS “Break free from Cancer”, Link:

October 2017 to March 2018: Lecturer at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Augsburg.

September 2016 to October 2016: Research stay as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford (Contacts: Andrew Pinsent, Roger Teichmann; funded by BayFOR).

September 2014 to March 2016: Research Associate at the Chair of Philosophy at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

August 2015 to December 2015: Research stay as a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy at Boston College (Contact: Micah Lott; funded by BayFOR).

April 2014 to August 2018: Research Associate at the Endowed Chair for Bioethics at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

2013 to 2017: Part-time work in project acquisition for Springer VS Publishing, Wiesbaden.

2010 to 2013: Completion of a doctoral thesis titled “Naturally Good Dispositions. On the Anthropology of Virtue” (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Walter Schweidler, funded by a doctoral scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation).

2011 to 2014: Lecturer in Philosophy at KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

2010 to 2012: Lecturer in Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy at TU Dresden.

2004 to 2009: Studied Philosophy, Romance Studies, and Economic and Social History (M.A.) at the Technical University of Dresden.

2007 to 2009: Student Assistant and Tutor at the Institute of Philosophy at TU Dresden.

2003: Internship abroad at the Chamber of Foreign Trade in Paris in the field of Environment.

1999 to 2004: Studied Industrial Engineering (Dipl.-Wirtschaftsingenieur (FH)) at HTW Dresden.                                                                                       
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